“Under the Rainbow” is our Pop theme for December! If there are scarecrows and witches and cities of emerald over the rainbow, what’s underneath is loud and strange and an explosion of darkness and color 🌈🖤
🌙 Space cats? Space cats! Follow
@yonil ‘s Major Tomcat as he purrfectly completes his missions for the interstellar space program and inadvertently discovers the world under the rainbow on these two sheets done in dark rainbow holo.
🌽 Mealtime is no ordinary affair under the rainbow: colors are brighter, tastes are sharper, and food shimmies, shakes, and twists its way from kitchen to plate to table!
@amysefforts gives you a taste of what to expect on your journey.
🦄 Rainbow creatures look a lot different than anyone expected!
@thingsby_diana ‘s creatures of darkness are literally bursting with inner light and color, dangerous and mesmerizingly beautiful at the same time.
🎨 The art museums here hold expertly done abstract constructions of their world’s vibrant ordered chaos. You’re lucky, the citizens Under the Rainbow would do anything for prints of
@jaimederringer ‘s renowned works!
👭 Under the Rainbow is also the exclusive domain of women, as far as you can tell from your trip. Appearances are fluid here, features changing from moment to moment, and what defines a person instead is their energy. Portraits are rare, but always necessitate being done as a series, like these by